My hair was all kinds of crazy this day, and I'm not sure why. Little fun fact about Annapolis: the humidity here is almost always around 80%, which is insane! Most days my hair expires around 2/3pm and I end up putting it in a litle side bun thing with my bangs braided or pinned out of the way. I hadn't yet been outside when I took this picture, so that could explain the life in my hair.
This picture is kind of dark because it was early and my blinds were still shut, I think I've since learned to open them before taking pictures. The t-shirt I'm wearing is from Urban Outfitters, and the skirt is a navy blue bad boy acquired from Bron. I think she got it form Value Village..? Not sure. Actually because this picture is so dark it almost looks like I'm not wearing a shirt if you don't look directly at the photo...oh dear! Also, notice how I still hadn't learned how to do head to toe shots, hahaha!
I love reading the process of learning how to use photo booth unfold. xo